Mission, Goals, and Vision of a Graduate
The mission of the Fairfield Public Schools, in partnership with families and community, is to ensure that every student acquires the knowledge and skills needed to be a lifelong learner, responsible citizen, and successful participant in an ever-changing global society through a comprehensive educational program.
Fairfield Public Schools will ensure that every student is engaged in a rigorous learning experience that recognizes and values the individual and challenges each student to achieve academic progress including expressive, personal, physical, civic, and social development. Students will be respectful, ethical, and responsible citizens with an appreciation and understanding of global issues. Student achievement and performance shall rank among the best in the state and the nation.
Fairfield Public School students will:
achieve and exemplify mastery of the FPS Academic Expectations;
perform at high levels in regards to Social and Civic Expectations;
develop into responsible citizens who exhibit ethical behavior;
acknowledge, explore, and value the importance of diversity;
develop a healthy personal identity and self‐reliance;
demonstrate strong motivational persistence to learn;
exhibit an inquisitive attitude, open mind, and curiosity;
acquire an understanding and appreciation of other cultures;
understand international issues and demonstrate the skills needed to participate in a global society; and
acquire knowledge of the following areas of study: science; technology; mathematics; language arts; social studies; literary, visual, and performing arts; world language; unified arts; health and physical education.
The fulfillment of the mission, for all students, PK-12+, demands our ongoing commitment to realize the Vision of a Graduate.
All students will be:
Critical Thinkers
Responsible Citizens
Goal Directed- Resilient Learners
Guided by Learning Principles
In order to achieve the Mission of the Fairfield Public Schools and fulfill for every student the Vision of the Graduate, the educators are committed to the following Learning Principles
Learning involves teachers and students who are passionate learners.
Learning celebrates the belief that all learners are capable of success and growth.
When learners develop this mindset of belief in their own capacity and in the significance and value of their work, then they are more able to overcome challenges, solve problems, thrive and celebrate growth.
Learning explores the creation of meaning and the extension of knowledge through its application to relatable real world conditions.
Learning encourages academic and social risk taking and open communication in a safe community.
Learning inspires self-assessment, reflection, and continuous adjustment and adaptation.
When learners develop this mindset of belief in their own capacity and in the significance and value of their work, then they are more able to overcome challenges, solve problems, thrive and celebrate growth.