Superintendent's Message June 18, 2021 Happy Summer!
Good morning
Today we bring to a close a year like no other. Thank you for your support and commitment to the Fairfield Public Schools. Our staff have exceeded themselves this year, our parents and caregivers have given all they had and then found more to give, and our students have continually impressed us with their fortitude and resilience.
It is too early to determine the impact of the pandemic on our schools. We need some time to reflect and we need your input. We are working on the next iteration of the District Improvement Plan this summer. We will be in touch as we gather your thoughts and feedback on where the district has been, and more importantly, where we need to go. Your voice is key to our continued development.
Our school community has been stressed by disagreements and differences. Despite divergent opinions, everyone remained committed to the ongoing education of the students. In that core belief rested our strength and as we go forward into 2021-22 that core belief will bring us back together.
As I listened to our graduate speakers this week, I was struck by their resilience to the crises of the past 16 months. They made clear that they drew comfort and strength from their family and friends, their teachers, and this community. Not as individual entities but as one unifying force. As we move forward let that remind us that it is the working together that bears the greatest gifts.
I hope you can enjoy a healthy, happy, restful and restorative summer. Please take care of yourselves,
Michael Cummings Superintendent of Schools