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State Representatives Visit FPS

State Representative and House Education Chair Jeffrey Currey, Vice Chair of Education Jennifer

Leeper, State Senator Tony Hwang and State Representative Cristin McCarthy Vahey met with FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani, Deputy Superintendent Zakia Parrish and Board Members Nick Aysseh and Bonnie Rotelli yesterday at Roger Ludlowe Middle School to highlight FPS and learn more about the needs of our district.

The visit to Fairfield was the first stop on a tour of schools throughout Connecticut by state reps. The group also discussed future funding priorities, investment in attracting and retaining educators and high-quality professional development.

Before touring classrooms and the Library Learning Commons to see student learning in action, Principal Megan Tiley spoke to the group about her staff and their dedication to making RLMS an amazing place to thrive and learn.