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A Message From FPS Superintendent - Curriculum Review Process for PK-5 ELA

Dear FPS Families and Staff,

Over the past months, FPS has begun the curriculum review process for PK-5 English Language Arts (ELA). The district is taking an intentional and comprehensive approach to developing a solid literacy plan, which includes the careful selection of a reading program in alignment with state standards and legislation. 

We have heard from district leaders, staff members and parents regarding state legislation and Fairfield’s intention to adopt a reading program during the curriculum review process. In support of our school community, our goal is to ensure that we communicate in a deliberate manner, so that district and school personnel, and parents, have accurate and complete information. 

The best source of information regarding state legislation requirements for PK-3 is the Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success ( website. This website provides current and factual information, as well as recordings of the Reading Leadership Implementation Council meetings, where in-depth discussions about the reading programs have occurred and various questions answered. 

A family information session regarding PK-5 ELA will be held on Monday, December 12 at Fairfield Woods Middle School from 6-7 p.m. This meeting will include a Q/A about the district curriculum review process and intention to adopt a state-approved literacy program.

Additional updates will be shared with the FPS community as we move forward with the ELA review process for PK-5.


Michael J. Testani

FPS Superintendent of Schools