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State Board Of Education: Racial Imbalance Update

On March 6,  FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani and Fairfield Board of Education Members Jennifer Jacobsen and Nick Aysseh attended the State Board of Education meeting to discuss Racial Imbalance. Following Superintendent Testani's update addressing redistricting and facility utilization challenges, the State Board tasked Fairfield with presenting a plan to the state by July 3. The FPS administration team is working with the Fairfield Board of Education to determine a plan within this timeline. The plan will be voted on by the Fairfield BOE on June 25, 2024.

To provide background for families who may be new to Fairfield, school systems are expected to maintain a minority balance at all schools which closely mirrors the minority balance of the school district as a whole. Per the State, McKinley Elementary School is out of compliance. Over the past year, the FPS administration has worked tirelessly to vet several potential plans to help resolve the issue with the least impact to families and staff. Click here to view the February 7, 2024 letter sent to the Commissioner of Education from Superintendent Testani.


Updated Calendar: Last Day Of School June 13

The 2023-24 School Calendar was revised on March 19 to reflect snow days. The last day of school is scheduled for June 13 barring any future school day closures. The Board of Education will vote on the high school graduation date during the March 26 meeting. Click the image below to visit the calendar webpage. 

First page of the PDF file: 2023-24BOEEOYSt3-19-2024ApprovedFPSStudentCalendarv3192024_1

SBA & NGSS Assessment Window To Begin In March


Fairfield Public Schools will join students across the United States in the Smarter Balanced (SBA) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessments this spring. Students in grades 3-8 will participate in the SBA in English language arts and mathematics. The testing window will be open from March 25 through May 31


In addition to the SBA, students in grades 5, 8, and 11 will also participate in the NGSS during the same dates. These assessments are untimed, adaptive, and computer administered. Students may spend up to five hours to complete both assessments over multiple days. Each session will vary in length based on the assessment and schedule, and students may complete each assessment at varying intervals and pace. Federal and state law requires participation in these assessments. Both assessments adhere to federal and state privacy laws, including but not limited to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Smarter Balanced Assessment Information

Next Generation Science Standards Assessment

Please contact your child's principal directly with questions.

Breakfast Is Ready!

A friendly reminder that breakfast is free this year for all FPS students. Students can grab items from their school cafeterias each day.

School Breakfast Service Start Times:

  • Elementary Schools: 8:45am (Holland Hill & McKinley breakfast begins at 8am)
  • Middle Schools: 7:45am
  • High Schools: 7am (Walter Fitzgerald Campus breakfast begins at 7:45am)

Happy Pi Day Fairfield!

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 around the world. Last week, Fairfield students and staff took the opportunity to participate in Pi Day activities, show enthusiasm for math, and have some fun with pie!

Dwight’s International Night featured family, food, culture booths, a fashion show, and performances by Indian, African and Irish dance troupes.  

Tomlinson Students Participate In National History Day Competition

Tomlinson students recently participated in a regional competition for National History Day. Over the past several months, students worked under the advisement of Library Media Specialist Ms. Krista Surprenant to create a historical argument around the theme of "Turning Points in History."

TMS Student Aarav Sahu placed first in his category and will be moving on to the state competition in Hartford on May 4. Congratulations Aarav and good luck in the next round of the competition!

Wait Until 8th Pledge

Wait Until 8th

The average age of when a youth receives a smartphone is 10 years old, with children spending between 6 and 9 hours a day on media. These devices are quickly changing childhood for our kids. 

Parents often feel powerless in this uphill battle and need community support to help delay the ever-evolving presence of the smartphone. The Wait Until 8th pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least 8th grade.  

To learn more, please visit or check out Wait Until 8th’s Instagram account. 

ECC Parent Info Session - April 4 

**NEW**Full Day Fours Option! 

First page of the PDF file: ECCParentInfoSession-April42024

Looking for a friendly, caring, and stimulating 3's/4's/PreK experience for your child? Join Early Childhood Center staff on April 4 from 7-8pm to learn more about ECC program offerings. Please RSVP by April 1.

Follow FPS On Social Media!

Social Media Icons

We are proud of our students and staff for their many accomplishments! FPS is now on Instagram! Also, follow FPS on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook for good news, important announcements, BOE meeting information and more. 

FPS Students Showcase STEAM Skills With Unique Inventions

Way to go FPS inventors! Fairfield 5th graders are participating in the annual Invention Convention as part of the district’s STEAM program. Students create their own inventions to solve a problem of their own choosing and present to a panel of judges.

Bus students participated in DOT mandated bus evacuation drills with safety staff from Transportation, First Student, members of the Fairfield PD and district administrators.

Warde DECA Students Advance To International Business Conference 

Warde DECA students attended the State Career Development Conference among 990 high school students from across Connecticut. Fifteen Warde students were named finalists! The top three will move on to compete at the International Conference in California, alongside 21,000 students from around the world. Click here to view the names of these talented students!

In the coming week, finalists heading to the International Conference will be actively seeking sponsorships/donations to facilitate this unique learning and leadership experience. Please contact for additional information.

Parent Volunteer and Artist Drew Morrison facilitated the painting of a very special mural at Riverfield School. Every student and staff member had an opportunity to contribute to this beautiful piece of art!

Congratulations Ludlowe Future Business Leaders of America

Congratulations to our Fairfield Ludlowe High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) on a job well done at this year’s Spring Leadership Conference! Students competed across a variety of topics including advertising, organizational leadership, international business and more. Twenty-one students competed, with thirteen placing in the top five across the state. The team also achieved the Silver level for the CT Champion Chapter. Click here to view honors earned by our Ludlowe Future Business Leaders of America.

Warde Seniors Sreya Mothukuri, Isaac Moore and Alexa Papageorge testified at the state level regarding the Green Monster, an Environmental Bill currently under legislative review. 

Congrats to Ludlowe High School U.S. Presidential Scholars Natalie Compare and Connor Cowan! The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964, by executive order of the President, to recognize and honor some of our nation's most distinguished graduating high school seniors. 

FPS Volunteers Help Eliminate Food Waste Through Food Rescue

Food rescuers and mother/daughter duo Juliet and Sona Majmudar pick up food from Burr and Dwight.

Wonder what happens to food that goes uneaten from Fairfield's school cafeterias? In collaboration with the FPS Green Team, Dwight, Burr, North Stratfield, and Mill Hill Elementary Schools participate in Food Rescue, a program dedicated to eliminating hunger and food waste. Twice a week, students and parent volunteers pack items to be dropped off at Boys & Girls Village and Alpha Community Services Families in Transition Emergency Shelter in Bridgeport. North Stratfield also sends food to Fridgeport. Prior to food being sent to these locations, students and staff have the opportunity to help themselves to the excess from the "share fridge." Whatever is leftover is rescued.

If you are interested in starting a Food Rescue program at your school or workplace, please visit the Food Rescue website to register. 

First page of the PDF file: WAM2024Flyer

IRS Tax Credit & Free Tax Preparation for Qualifying Families

The IRS wants to encourage all families who qualify to claim the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit. The earned income tax credit is one of the federal government's largest antipoverty programs. Free tax preparation opportunities are also available for those who qualify. Please visit the FPS website for helpful links and additional information.