Spring SBA & NGSS Testing
Fairfield Public Schools will join millions of students in the Smarter Balanced (SBA) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessments this spring. All students in Grades 3-8 will participate in the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English language arts and mathematics. The testing window will be open from March 27 through June 2. Students in Grades 5, 8 and 11 will participate in the Next Generation Science Standards Assessment during the same dates.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's principal.
McKinley Celebrates Reading & Culture
McKinley staff and students celebrated Read Across America last week with a variety of fun-filled activities focused on the theme "We Are the World." Guest readers shared their favorite books with students and the school community dressed in clothing from their culture and shared favorite family traditions. Students also highlighted the different languages spoken at McKinley with a multilingual presentation during morning meeting.
PTA Leaders Discuss DEI Work
PTA DEI representatives met with Superintendent Michael J. Testani this week to discuss DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) work in the district. The discussion focused on developing a framework to engage staff and families, reestablishing committees in schools, and accessing workshops and professional development opportunities through community partnerships. The group will continue to meet to develop and share ideas for a cohesive environment where students, families and staff work together to celebrate differences.
FPS Climate Survey
Fairfield Public Schools regularly surveys parents, students and staff to gain input about our schools. The surveys are structured to evaluate school leadership and management, as well as to measure six domains required by the State of Connecticut for healthy school climates. Families will be asked to complete an online survey for their school via a link sent from the district March 22 - April 6. If a parent has multiple children who attend different schools in the district, they will have the option to complete one survey for each school.
Warde DECA Team Qualifies For International Conference
Congratulations to the Warde DECA team on earning honors at the State Career Development Conference on March 1. The following students have earned spots to compete at the International Career Development Conference next month:
Aadira Balan
Caroline Buck
Owen Campbell
Katherine Foley
Alexandra Geremia-Kafadar
Eleni Gold
Adam Horwitz
Amelia King
Aura Kurel
Elle Melson
Reid Rogers-Ho
This is the first year for Warde’s DECA club, an organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in the fields of business, marketing, finance and entrepreneurship in high schools and colleges across the globe.
Summer Support Program Update
The Summer Support Program will be offered this year to current Grades K-5 students during the month of July. If your child qualifies for summer support, a school staff member will reach out in the coming weeks to share details. Program hours are scheduled for 8:30am to 12:30pm.
The purpose of the program is to provide students performing below grade level with focused and specific instruction that will help maintain and advance their reading and math skills. Criteria for identification will be based on performance in reading, but instruction in math will also be provided.
Walter Fitzgerald Students Welcome Guests Of Honor For Multicultural Feast & Celebration
To celebrate Black History Month, guests of honor shared inspirational stories, advice, life lessons and experiences with Walter Fitzgerald students. FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani joined the group for a multicultural feast prepared by students featuring Ghana salad, fufu and egusi soup, fried plantains, papaya milk juice and Jamaican rice and peas. Students took a survey to chose the food, and the Nutritional Chemistry class researched the history of each dish.
Fairfield Woods Middle School Spanish class students engaged in a hands-on lesson about graffiti art as an interactive way to learn about art and music. Students worked in collaborative groups to read, write about and discuss a relevant article. They also made the connection between graffiti and mural art in Fairfield.
Optimum Message Blocking Update
We are pleased to announce that the issue with Optimum emails being blocked from receiving district blasts has been resolved. The FPS IT Department worked with Optimum to make the appropriate adjustments on their email system. If you have further questions, please contact reghelp@fairfieldschools.org.
North Stratfield Tigers ROARed (Respect, Ownership, Awareness, Responsibility and Safety) at a recent Town Hall with a custom rendition of Aretha Franklin's song "Respect."
Thank You School Social Workers
It's National School Social Work Week! Social workers play a crucial role in making our schools a welcoming, safe and nurturing place to learn, while helping students process emotions, feelings and stress. Please take a moment to thank your school social workers for all they do in helping students, families and the community.
We are grateful for our FPS social workers!
Fairfield CARES Upcoming Events & Resources
The Fairfield CARES Community Coalition brings together citizens, educators and leaders to promote healthy, responsible choices through prevention and education for families. Please click here for information on upcoming parent discussions.
Additionally, the February Fairfield CARES newsletter focuses on the dangers of vaping. To read the article click here.
Crossing Guards Needed
FPS is actively searching for Crossing Guards. In addition, we are building a pool for those who may want to help as needed. These are paid positions. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply via Applitrack.
FLHS Sophomore Victoria Beniston performed in this year’s American Choral Directors Association National Honors Choir. Victoria was one of 300 singers in the nation selected to perform with the SATB honors choir, one of the highest honors in high school choral singing.
Holland Hill families built balloon cars, catapults, skyscrapers and code at the annual STEAM Night event.
FPS School Breakfast Program Reminder
The FPS School Breakfast Program offers breakfast each day to all students, and is free this year. Students may stop by school cafeterias in the morning for breakfast.
This week is National School Breakfast Week (NSBW). NSBW celebrates the importance of a nutritious school breakfast in fueling students for success. Whitsons will offer special breakfast "Pop-Up Shops" in cafeterias throughout the month of March. At the elementary level, students are being offered healthy smoothies. Please click here for specific dates. Today, secondary students enjoyed a Waffle Mania bar for breakfast. These items are part of the free breakfast program. If you have any questions, please contact CarrD@Whitsons.com.
Congressman Himes Visits Riverfield
Congressman Jim Himes and Veteran Liaison and CT District Representative Brandon Blank joined FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani at Riverfield Elementary School. The group visited with first grade students and crafted Valentine’s Day cards for Veterans. The cards were given to Homes for the Brave in Bridgeport.
To bring awareness to Women's History Month, the Ludlowe High School Asian Cultures Club set up a hot chocolate stand with proceeds benefiting the Iranian American Women Foundation.
Stratfield students celebrated Read Across America Day and National Reading Month with guest readers and read-alouds, a visit from school mascot Sunny the Starfish, a schoolwide book swap and time to “Stop, Drop and Read.”
Kindergarten Registration Is Open
Kindergarten registration is open for the 2023-2024 school year. Click here for information and instructions to register.
CFJ Walk A Mile Registration & Volunteers
This year's Center For Family Justice (CFJ) Walk A Mile event will take place on Saturday, April 29 at the Fairfield Train Station. CFJ is looking for student volunteers and teams to participate in the walk. To register a team: bit.ly/cfjwam2023