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2024-25 Budget Update

The 24-25 proposed budget was presented by FPS Superintendent of Schools Michael J. Testani during the January 9 Board of Education meeting. The proposed budget reflects a continued commitment to excellence in education while responsibly addressing the financial realities facing our district. This budget, totaling $221,722,000, presents a 5.50% increase over the previous year’s budget. 

The increase is primarily due to fulfilling contractual obligations related to staffing, benefits, facility maintenance and mandated special education services, accounting for 4.46% + 0.45% of the total increase.

The Board will continue to review the budget on January 23 and vote on the budget during the January 25 meeting. The Board of Education budget then moves to the Town bodies for continued review. For additional information on the budget process, please visit the Town website.

NWEA-MAP & Acadience Assessments And Results

Winter Assessments

During January, students are taking their NWEA-MAP and Acadience universal assessments. These assessments were previously administered in the fall 2023 and provide information on students’ progress in English language arts, language and math. Information on these assessments and their administration can be found here.  NWEA-MAP assessment results will be delivered virtually via the Infinite Campus Backpack on February 16. Acadience assessment data (grades K-3) will be sent home with your child on February 16

ParentSquare: Receiving Texts 

ParentSquare logo

Last week, some families may have experienced a delay in receiving text messages via ParentSquare regarding the delayed opening. The district has been in touch with ParentSquare regarding this issue.

To help ensure receipt of ParentSquare text notifications,  please double check that your current cell phone is updated in Infinite Campus. If your landline is listed as your main contact, you will not be able to receive ParentSquare texts. Additionally, review your notification settings in ParentSquare. Here is a link to a help resource with instructions on how to do so.

2024 CT Regional Scholastic Art Award Winners Recognized

My Best Friend by Katherine Karacsonyi Capron

High School Art students from Fairfield Public Schools were recognized as Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Award winners for their exceptional work in photography, painting, drawing, sculpture and digital art. Visit the FPS website for additional information

Fairfield Scholastic Art Award Winners:

Alessia Torres, FLHS, Honorable Mention
Allison Rowland, FLHS, Gold
Ashlynn Cummings, FLHS, Gold
Becket Dayton, FLHS, Gold- Best in Digital Design
Charlotte Praver, FLHS, Honorable Mention
Hannah Pressman, FWHS, Gold
Jackie Pothier, FLHS, Silver
Katherine Karasonyi, FWHS, Honorable Mention
Mio Nomoto, FLHS, Honorable Mention
Rory Kurzenberger, FLHS, Gold

School Dental Health Program

First page of the PDF file: BlueYellowPlayfulDentalClinicPresentation

The Fairfield Health Department has a School Dental Health Program for Fairfield students. The program provides an in-school dental screening, teeth cleaning, risk assessment and a topical fluoride treatment by a registered dental hygienist. The program is available to students who have Husky insurance, or who meet family income guidelines. There is also limited funding for eligible uninsured students. 

If you wish to apply, please complete the below forms and return via email to: or submit to your child's school nurse. 

Dental Form Application (English)
Dental Form Application (Spanish)
Dental Form Application (Portuguese)

Walter Fitzgerald Campus Chosen As Long Island Sound Schools Network

Photo of student in Marsh

Walter Fitzgerald Campus was chosen as one of ten programs to comprise the new Long Island Sound Schools network. This program is committed to the protection of local watersheds, the Sound and the ocean. Program funding will provide up to $5,000 to WFC to implement projects along with access to a network of educators, connections with scientists, community organizations and stewardship sites. 

WFC students will focus on the watershed in Fairfield working to collect data on water quality at different sites in collaboration with the Mill River Wetland Committee and the Fairfield Conservation Director. Students will then create GPS monitoring devices which will travel through Mill River to the Sound to show how pollution can leave  neighborhoods and enter the Sound. They will then communicate their projects through written reports, presentations and social media components.

Tomlinson Students Take A Look Back Through History

Tomlinson students are participating in this year's CT History Day Club. They are researching under the theme “Turning Points in History” to prove a topic’s historical significance. 

Thank You FPS Maintenance Staff 

Winter weather means school maintenance staff are working to clear parking lots, shovel sidewalks and make sure students, teachers and staff can enter and leave school grounds safely. Let's thank our maintenance staff for all their hard work!

FLHS Student Recognized For Photography Series

Congratulations FLHS Photographer Roan Smith for his winning series, "The Death of Our Archaic Institutions." Roan's series was one of 35, to be chosen for the School of Visual Arts 2024 exclusive publication and will be distributed internationally.

Roan worked with the State of Connecticut and utilized a land survey to revisit locations, capturing photos from the same vantage points to showcase change.

Click here to view more of Roan's work included in the virtual gallery.

SEPTA DisAbilities Survey 


The town of Fairfield wants to hear from parents, faculty and students within the FPS community. Please click here to take 5-10 minutes to complete a confidential survey from Fairfield's Commission on disAbilities regarding services for people with disabilities of all ages and for residents with loved ones with disabilities. 

For information about town services and programs available for people with disabilities call 203-256-3170, visit the Human and Social Services Department website or email at

School Dismissal Manager

SDM logo

All elementary and middle schools are now using School Dismissal Manager, an online dismissal management system which allows families to update the school regarding dismissal plans via a smartphone, tablet or PC. Please contact your school administrator if you need additional information. 

Fairfield Students Earn Spots In Western Regional Festival

Congratulations to the Fairfield High School students who auditioned and earned spots in the following: Western Region Band, Western Region Orchestra, Western Region Choir, and Western Region Jazz Ensemble. 

These students auditioned in November with 1,200 other students from the Western region and earned their place to perform in these amazing ensembles. Performances were held on Saturday, January 12, at Greenwich High School. 

This is one of the many reasons why NAMM Foundation named Fairfield Public Schools BEST COMMUNITIES FOR MUSIC EDUCATION in 2023 for its outstanding commitment to music education! 

Aidan Coppola, Ainsley Dahlstrom, Alexander Rosenberg, Alexander White, Anaya D'Souza, Benjamin Gardiner, Charlotte Lovell, Cole Grenier, Daniel Uhom, Dylan Meyers, Dylan Ross, Eliza Choi, Ella Giudice, Evan McMahon, Gaetan Grech, Hannah Pressman, Helen Hen, Jasper Gallas, Kady Mongirdas, Laila Sarezky, Mark Cassa, Meghan Elterich, Mia Formato, Miriam Grosman, Nicholas D'Andrea, Noah Bailey, Nolan Tierney, Patricia Greene, River Peterson, Robert Spelman, Rohan Quarve, Sarah Lacugna, Scott Francis, Sreya Mothukuri, Stephen Petrosino, Theo Keitt

Aakash Anand, Aidan Guernsey, Aiden Gee, Alanis Abreu, Andy Luo, Anisha Venkatesh, Anjan Athreya, Audrey Compare, Brandon, Carter Uhl, Cassidy Meehan, Charithmas Peiris, Dave Kim, David Dai, Emma Carey, Ephraim Weinstein, Gavin Woelk, Grace Coyne, Hannah Kwok, Ivy Yan, James Lambert, James Mazzeo, Juliette Boots, Krish Parimi, Kyra Nierman, lan Moore, Lawrence, Liam Cooney, Lilah Weinstein, Lucas Weaver, Mairead Carty, Matthew Anderlot, Megan Lubarsky, Melanie Dreizen, Michael Scholl, Michael Sigal, Natalie Compare, Nathaly Barreto-Olivares, Patrick Cooney, Scarlett Robbins, Som Nene, Soren Staeker, Spencer Bradley, Victoria Beniston

Congratulations Lieutenant Wiltsie

Jim Wiltsie

Please join us in celebrating Fairfield School Safety Division Supervisor Jim Wiltsie on his promotion to Lieutenant! Lieutenant Wiltsie was appointed supervisor of the School Safety Division in February 2022 as a Sergeant.  He has been a member of the Fairfield Police Department for 24 years. 


Join The SEL Conversation At Home

Move this World

To support our students’ social emotional needs, FPS is using new video-based social emotional learning curriculum from Move This World. Social emotional learning in school allows students and teachers to communicate with a common language for deeper connections. To help support these important conversations, families can access helpful curriculum at home by visiting the Move This World website and logging in with the below username and password. 

Move This World Family Login Credentials:

Username: Fairfield.Family

Password: movethisworld

Affordable Connectivity Program To Wind-Down

First page of the PDF file: ACP_Wind-down_Fact_Sheet_Final_1

In 2021, Congress established the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to help ensure that households can afford broadband. Per the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the ACP program is expected to end this spring due to limited funding.  

The FCC projects that households enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive the benefit on their internet service through April 2024.Please click here to view a FAQ sheet with additional information.  

Kindergarten Registration Is Open 

First page of the PDF file: KindergartenRegistration2024-25_1

Kindergarten registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit the FPS homepage and click on the registration icon for information. 

Upcoming Fairfield Collaborative For Youth Mental Health Parent Workshops

The Fairfield Collaborative for Youth Mental Health hosts a monthly series tackling relevant issues and providing families with information and resources to help support the mental health of their children. The next workshop will take place on February 7. Please click on the below flyer for more information. 

First page of the PDF file: FCYMHFeb2024_1

FPS EL/ML Teacher Ms. Forman has been chosen to be on the Nutmeg Nominating Committee for Middle School. 

Fairfield Announces One Book One Town Selection for 2024

OBOT Poster

FPS is pleased to partner with the Fairfield Public Library on the One Book One Town initiative. The selection for 2024 is Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley.  Boulley will speak at the Quick Center for the Arts at Fairfield University on Tuesday, March 5, at 7pm.  Registration for this event opens on February 1st.


Follow FPS On Social Media

Social Media Icons

We are proud of our students and staff for their many accomplishments! FPS is now on Instagram! Also, follow FPS on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook for good news, important announcements, BOE meeting information and more.