Five Fairfield Schools Named Schools Of Distinction By The Connecticut State Department Of Education
Congratulations to our Schools of Distinction!
Every year, the Connecticut State Department of Education measures each school and district on a set of twelve indicators related to preparing students for college, career and life. The title, School of Distinction, is given to primary and secondary schools which score in the top ten percent of individual indicators. Individual school results, performance profiles and additional information on Connecticut’s Next Generation Accountability report can be found at
A Message From FPS Superintendent Testani Regarding Chronic Absenteeism
Being in school is the best way to help your child achieve academic success and social emotional health.
We understand that cold and flu season is upon us and encourage students to remain at home for illness. However, I cannot stress enough the importance of your child attending school on a regular basis.
Chronic absence is defined as missing 10 percent or greater of the total number of days enrolled during the school year for any reason. It includes both excused, unexcused, out-of-school suspensions, and in-school suspensions that last more than one-half of the school day. Schools are legally required to notify parents once a child has been deemed chronically absent even if they have been sick and provided documentation. Please connect with your school if you have any concerns as there are supports and resources available to support students and their families as they reengage in school.
We appreciate your continued help in supporting student attendance.
Redistricting Update
The FPS Board of Education heard public comment and discussed the revised redistricting charge to consultants at the January 10 Board meeting. The updated 2023 Charge to Consultant document is expected to be brought before the Board for further discussion and vote at the January 24 special meeting. Stay tuned for more information or check the BOE webpage.
McKinley Students Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
McKinley Grade 4 students have spent lunches and some recesses learning more about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and thinking about ways to honor his legacy in the classroom and beyond. They have researched primary and secondary sources, initiated conversations about their learnings and constructed essays about the meaning of Dr. King's dream. Their dedication to carrying out his legacy and commitment to learning outside of academic blocks has been beautiful to witness.
Ludlowe High School Students Work With Mentees To Build Relationships And Positivity
January is National Mentoring Month! Earlier this year, Fairfield CARES in collaboration with the Therapeutic Learning Cohort (TLC) launched a pilot mentoring program with Riverfield Elementary School and Ludlowe High School. TLC is a district-wide program for elementary students with significant self-regulation challenges who have experienced difficulty succeeding in a general education classroom.
The program encourages relationship building skills and promotes positive peer role modeling. Ludlowe students meet with their mentees for 45 minutes each week to play games, do crafts and have conversations.
The program will be expanding to the greater Riverfield community and Holland Hill due to the high interest at the high school level.
The Fairfield CARES Community Coalition is open to anyone who wants to be involved in youth substance use prevention and mental health wellness. Fairfield CARES' mission is to prevent substance misuse, foster social emotional wellness, and resilience among youth, young adults, and families.
Warde Debate Team Participates In Mock Trial Competition
The Fairfield Warde Mock Trial team participated in the Connecticut Bar Association/Civics First Connecticut High School Mock Trial competition on December 2 at Norwalk Superior Court. They prepared a civil case regarding accusations of municipal election misconduct. Warde defeated Wilton High school and lost to Lauralton in a tiebreaker. Thanks to Coaches Charles Flynn and Lewis Lerman.
Team members: Caroline Buck, Olive Campbell, Sabrina Cassano, Ciara Dawson, Wania Fatima, Nicole Franco, Lila Gagliardi, Liliane Guerrera, Nahindra Massillon, Claire McManus, Madeline Muenzen, Julie Park, Caroline Rodriguez, Mahin Sheikh, Heather Torney
World champion athlete and motivational speaker Chris Poulos visited Tomlinson and Woods Middle Schools to share powerful life lessons about respect, commitment and relationship building while demonstrating amazing BMX stunts.
Fairfield Public Schools Is Hiring!
Crossing Guards Needed
FPS is actively searching for Crossing Guards. In addition, we are building a pool for those who may want to help as needed. These are paid positions. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply via Applitrack.
English Language Arts Curriculum Update
Every 10 years FPS engages in a curriculum review process where new resources are chosen and new units are written. FPS curriculum writers will soon begin the design process to develop strategic PK-12 English Language Arts (ELA) curricula.
The design team will consist of staff members from a variety of specialty areas including classroom teachers, multilingual learner, special education, library media, speech and language, coaches, interventionists, department chairs and administrators.
Per recent state legislation, each school district is now required to implement one of the state approved K-3 reading programs. The FPS program review team, PK-12 ELA steering committee, principals and coaches have narrowed down the list of approved programs to three and will identify the best option to support the development and implementation of new PK-12 curricula. A program recommendation will be shared with the BOE in the coming weeks, and curriculum writing for the new units will begin in early spring. Once developed, new curricula will be shared with the BOE for approval in December 2023 for implementation in fall of 2024.
Superintendent's Operating Budget Proposal For FY 2023-24 Presented At January BOE Meeting
During the January 10 Board of Education meeting FPS Superintendent Testani presented the proposed 2023-2024 budget to members of the BOE. The fiscally-responsible proposal focuses on continuing to build current successes such as the Early Literacy Academy at McKinley Elementary School, social emotional and academic support and professional development, along with support for data-driven decision making, updated technology, building maintenance, athletics and more. To view the presentation, visit the BOE agenda page on the FPS website.
The next budget discussion will take place on January 17.
New High School Courses Approved
The Fairfield Curriculum Department is constantly evolving to keep up with changes in our world, offering students quality learning experiences supported by robust courses and AP classes. A variety of new courses were recently approved by the FPS Board of Education. Students will be able to choose from these options for the 2023-24 school year.
Over the past year, the business curriculum was reviewed to seek new and dynamic ways to engage our students. The finance, marketing, management and computer science pathways are designed to allow students to explore and gain a broad knowledge of everyday business operations while providing students with endless opportunities to take courses in which they are interested.
Next year, the newest business course Business Fraud, Property, & Employment Law will complement the rigorous and diverse course offerings. In addition to the 23 course offerings, students have the opportunity to participate in Fairfield’s Business Honor Society, Ludlowe’s FBLA and Warde’s DECA, which reinforce the high expectations in the classroom.
FPS is also pleased to offer students the opportunity to enroll in American Sign Language II. American Sign Language I was introduced as a World Language course track in the 2022-2023 school year and received overwhelming student interest. This program, which meets the state language requirement for graduation, provides students with the opportunity to gain new perspectives and acquire a deeper appreciation of diversity while becoming more effective communicators.
Other exciting new courses include AP Physics, Physics of Music and Advanced Pottery and Sculpture. For a complete list of high school courses visit the FPS website.
Warde’s Community Kitchen/FCCLA Club students expressed their words of appreciation and kindness towards others with kindness notes in honor of the Sandy Hook victims. In addition, they prepared lunches for Operation Hope.
FWMS Paraprofessional and accomplished Artist Mr. Andrew Chavers shared his original artwork with the Woods Beloved Community Club. The club meets weekly to discuss topics surrounding race and racial justice, and to share ideas about how to make school a safe community for all. What an inspiring experience for our students!
We Need Your Feedback - FPS School Food Survey Now Through January 19
School lunch is critical to student health and well-being. Fairfield Public Schools works closely with our food service provider to offer quality meals to ensure that students have the nutrition they need to learn throughout the day. We are looking for feedback from parents and students on school food. Please take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey to share your thoughts.
The Roger Ludlowe Middle School SRBI team works with teachers to look at student data, student assessments, student work and teacher input to make decisions on supports and tiered instruction. Interventionists also work with students to provide support in both a “push in” and “pull out” model.
FPS Elementary School Students And Staff Give Back To The Community
FPS staff and students have been working together to help the community!
Stratfield students created cards for local nursing homes. In addition, first graders collected hats and coats to donate to The McGivney Center in Bridgeport. The school community also donated children's books to the Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital.
The Burr community delivered gift cards and other items to families of the Cesar Batalla School in Bridgeport. Many newly arrived families from other countries received the basics they need to prepare for winter. Parents left with clothes, blankets and winter gear to give their little ones a healthy start.
Mill Hill first graders collected over 250 toiletries and $200 for Operation Hope. Students earned money doing chores to buy the items and donate the money.
Sherman students and staff participated in PJ Day to fight cancer. Together, they raised over $1500 for Connecticut Children's.
Jennings 5th graders raised money and put together care packages with hats, gloves and chapstick for Bridgeport Rescue Mission. Parents and students learned about the organization and how one act of kindness in the community can develop into many.
We are so proud of our FPS community!
Kindergarten Registration Opens January 23
Kindergarten registration will open for the 2023-2024 school year beginning on January 23! Click here for information and instructions to register.