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Budget Update

We are excited to announce that the Board of Education adopted a budget that includes increased compensation for dedicated paraeducator staff, additional support for the social and emotional wellbeing of our students, as well as funding for critical building maintenance and safety. Also included are investments in English Language Literacy that will build over the next three years. Additionally, we committed funding to both leadership roles and in-building staff. You also will be seeing an enhanced communication system to be used by parents, teachers and the district that will foster greater community collaboration and transparency. 

The next phase of the budget is the presentation to our Town bodies. This includes a public forum for participation and feedback. 

The Board of Education proposed a 4.05% increase over the current year’s allocation. Visit our website for additional information.

State Representatives Visit FPS

State Representative and House Education Chair Jeffrey Currey, Vice Chair of Education Jennifer Leeper, State Senator Tony Hwang and State Representative Cristin McCarthy Vahey met with FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani, Deputy Superintendent Zakia Parrish and Board Members Nick Aysseh and Bonnie Rotelli at Roger Ludlowe Middle School to highlight FPS and learn more about the needs of our district.

The visit to Fairfield was the first stop on a tour of schools throughout Connecticut by state reps. The group also discussed future funding priorities, investment in attracting and retaining educators and high-quality professional development.

Before touring classrooms and the Library Learning Commons to see student learning in action, Principal Megan Tiley spoke to the group about her staff and their dedication to making RLMS an amazing place to thrive and learn.

RLMS and TMS gifted/talented students transformed a middle school team room into their very own courtroom. Mock trial teams “came to order,” simulating two of America’s most notorious, 20th century cases by playing the roles of attorneys, witnesses, court clerk, bailiff and jury.  

February 13 BOE Meeting 

As a reminder, the BOE meeting will take place on Monday, February 13. Please click below for additional information.

Students And Staff Honor Black History Month 

February is Black History Month. FPS students, educators and community members honor and celebrate the achievements of generations of Black Americans not only this month, but throughout the year.

Students and staff throughout the district are highlighting Black History Month in a variety of ways. Warde and Walter Fitzgerald students are participating in an annual Black History Month Scavenger Hunt to learn in a fun way outside of the classroom.  The Fairfield Woods Community Club developed artwork and designed a bulletin board highlighting contributions of Black individuals in history. Fifth grade students at Burr created “Who am I” posters focusing on influential Black Americans from a variety of disciplines and posted them for other students to learn from. Stratfield students are reading biographies and narrative non-fiction books, and Dwight students are engaging in daily conversations accompanied by a quote, picture book and autobiography. Additionally, Burr students in kindergarten and Grade 4 partnered to create a project showing how people of all skin colors can lend each other a helping hand. 

Our students and educators continue to have meaningful conversations in the classroom surrounding race, while learning about the roles and accomplishments of Black Americans in our Nation’s history. 

Optimum Message Blocking 

School or districtwide communications may not be delivered to email accounts. For those parents who use, please note that we have contacted and alerted the company and continue to follow up regarding a solution. In the interim, the FPS IT Department recommends creating a free email account and updating your email in Infinite Campus. Please also remember to check the parent inbox in your Infinite Campus Portal account for copies of these messages. For instructions on how to access your Infinite Campus Portal click here. If you have further questions, please contact

McKinley Alum Raises Awareness For Heart Health In Fairfield

Recently, the American Heart Association (AHA) joined McKinley students for an assembly to celebrate National Heart Health Month. Students learned about the importance of a healthy heart and actions they can take to live a healthy life.

During the assembly, Warde junior and McKinley alum Andrew Fuller shared with students what he is doing to promote the importance of CPR and automated external defibrillators (AED) to help save lives. Last year, Andrew started an organization called Fairfield AEDs to raise money for AEDs at Town beaches.

The AHA was proud to present Andrew with a Heart Hero award during the assembly. Learn more about Fairfield AEDs here.

Happy School Counselor Week

Please take some time this week to thank your school counselor for their hard work and dedication to our students! 


Congrats to the 86 Ludlowe and Warde students who auditioned and were selected for the CT Music Educators Association Western Regional Festival. We are so proud of our very talented FPS musicians!

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Fairfield Public Schools Is Hiring!

Follow FPS On Social Media

We are proud of our students and staff for their many accomplishments! Follow FPS on Twitter and Facebook for good news, important announcements, BOE meeting information and more. 

English Language Arts Curriculum Update

Per recent state legislation, each school district is now required to implement one of the state approved K-3 reading programs. The FPS program review team, PK-12 ELA steering committee, principals and coaches continue to narrow down the list of approved programs to identify the best option to support the development and implementation of new PK-12 curricula.  

A program recommendation will be presented to the BOE on March 14. Curriculum writing for the new units will begin in early spring. Once developed, new curricula will be shared with the BOE for approval in December 2023 for implementation in fall of 2024. 

Roger Sherman Elementary School students celebrated the Lunar New Year this week in music class! 

Congratulations Scholastic Art Award Winners!

Congrats to the FPS Art students who were recognized by the Connecticut Regional Scholastic Art Awards for their work in photography, painting, drawing, sculpture and digital art. This juried competition is open to 8th graders and high school students and draws thousands of entries each year. The artwork selected is considered the "best" in the state.

Scholastic Art Award winners will be honored during the Board of Education meeting on Monday, February 13.

Thank you to all of the FPS Art teachers for their hard work and dedication to our talented students!

Visit the FPS website for a complete list of student award winners.

Burr Elementary School kicked off their One School One Book program with K-5 students reading and celebrating the book Next Best Junior Chef: Lights, Camera, Cook! Students are reading together and participating in classroom, whole school and family activities throughout the month. 

FPS Students Celebrate 100 Days Of School!

In case you missed it Fairfield celebrated the 100th day of school last week! We are so proud of our students and their incredible accomplishments thus far, and look forward to the successes that the remainder of the year will bring. To help commemorate this special day, many of our students participated in fun lessons and activities planned around the theme of 100 days. Click on the below photo montage to view school celebrations and student highlights from this year.

Kindergarten Registration Is Open

Kindergarten registration is open for the 2023-2024 school year. Click here for information and instructions to register.



Warde Mandarin class students celebrated the Chinese New Year by learning the traditional paper cut of the rabbit, and the giving and receiving of Hong Bao, the red envelope gift. 

A Message From School Nurses

Covid Test Kits

Thank you for your cooperation in continuing to test your students when they feel ill. Recently, iHealth Covid-19 Test kit expiration dates have been extended. To check the extended expiration date of your iHealth Covid-19 test kits, please click here

Covid-19 test kits will no longer be available for distribution once the school supply has been depleted. Free Covid-19 test kits can be ordered from the U.S government at no cost.   

Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping our students healthy.

Honoring Fairfield's Charlie Capalbo 

First page of the PDF file: CapalboNight

On Saturday, February 18 prior to the Boys Ice Hockey Game vs. Greenwich, the team will be honoring Fairfield Hockey Alum Charlie Capalbo and retiring his number. Please join us to help honor Charlie, who passed away on April 24, 2022 after a five year legendary battle with lymphoma and leukemia.

Food Waste Tips From The FPS Green Team 



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Crossing Guards Needed

FPS is actively searching for Crossing Guards. In addition, we are building a pool for those who may want to help as needed. These are paid positions. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply via Applitrack.