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FPS Celebrates Black History Month

Grade 2 Holland Hill students presented research for Black History Month during a schoolwide Town Hall Meeting

In February, and throughout the year, Fairfield students, educators and community members pay tribute to the achievements, struggles and impact of generations of Black Americans by learning about critical roles and accomplishments throughout our country’s history. FPS students across the district highlight Black History Month by discussing and learning about subjects such as historical figures, leaders, inventors, educators, landmark legal decisions, school integration and civil rights. 

SBA & NGSS Assessment Window To Begin In March


Fairfield Public Schools will join students across the United States in the Smarter Balanced (SBA) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessments this spring. Students in grades 3-8 will participate in the SBA in English language arts and mathematics. The testing window will be open from March 25 through May 31


In addition to the SBA, students in grades 5, 8, and 11 will also participate in the NGSS during the same dates. These assessments are untimed, adaptive, and computer administered. Students may spend up to five hours to complete both assessments over multiple days. Each session will vary in length based on the assessment and schedule, and students may complete each assessment at varying intervals and pace. Federal and state law requires participation in these assessments. Both assessments adhere to federal and state privacy laws, including but not limited to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Smarter Balanced Assessment Information

Next Generation Science Standards Assessment

Please contact your child's principal directly with questions.

Warde Students Honor Holocaust Remembrance Day

In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Holocaust Survivor Mr. Andy Sarkany shared his story with a group of Warde High School students.  Sarkany described his experience living inside the Budapest ghetto, followed by his life under the brutal Soviet regime in Hungary, and how he eventually found a home in the United States.  This powerful lecture provided students with the opportunity to learn about important historical events and the impact on those who lived through it.

Ludlowe Students Named National Merit Scholarship Award Finalists

 Congratulations to Ludlowe High School students Spencer Bradley, Natalie Compare and Campbell Treschuk for being named Finalists in the 2024 Competition for National Merit Scholarship awards! 

Over 1 million students initially entered the competition by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Only 15,000 finalists were selected based on their outstanding academic records, strong leadership qualities, and significant contributions to their schools and communities.

The National Merit Scholarship Program recognizes and honors these finalists for their exceptional achievements, providing them with the opportunity to compete for 7,500 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $30 million. National Merit Scholarship winners of 2024 will be announced beginning in April.

Happy 100th Day of School!

We had quite a few 100-year-old students in our classrooms to help mark the 100th Day of School! Elementary school students participated in a variety of fun learning activities to mark the day. 

Walter Fitzgerald Campus Students Participate In Mentor Program 

Planting for Pollinator Garden

Fifth grade students from Luis Marin School in Bridgeport took a field trip to the Walter Fitzgerald Campus as part of a mentor program between the two schools. This is WFC's second year participating in this program.

All students engaged in a presentation from the Pollinator Pathway Program and planted seeds for pollinator gardens. The group also created solar bead bracelets and engaged in lab activities on the sun's energy. The 5th graders ate lunch with the students at WFC before heading back to their school. 


McKinley staff and students show school spirit in this all-school photo! 

Burr second graders worked with their teacher to organize a parade and teach the school community about Chinese New Year traditions and celebrations.

FPS Music Department Welcomes French Music Exchange Students

The FPS Music Department welcomed twenty-five French student-musicians in an exchange program last week. The program provided an immersive cultural experience for both the French students and their American host families. Students connected with individuals whose customs and life experiences are different from their own, fostering understanding and acceptance. The event culminated with a concert.

A Guide To Address Social Media Habits With Children

A Message From FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani:

As educators and caregivers, it's crucial for us to address the growing concern surrounding the impact of social media on children's mental health. In today's digital age, social media platforms play a significant role in the lives of our children, shaping their perceptions, behaviors, and overall well-being.
Research suggests that excessive use of social media can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including increased feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and cyberbullying. The constant pressure to conform to unrealistic standards, compare oneself to others, and seek validation through likes and comments can take a toll on their mental health. Click here to read the complete letter and view resources and tips.

FPS NexTrex Plastic Film Recycling Program


The FPS Green Team works diligently to ensure that we care for the planet and precious resources while serving as an inspiration to our students and staff! 

Through the NexTrex program, six FPS elementary schools currently collect plastic film that should not be placed in the regular recycling bin. Instead of ending up in the landfill, NexTrex turns this plastic into composite decking material. Schools that collect 1,000 lbs of plastic receive a bench made from Trex.

Please email if you would like your plastic to be included. You can also drop off in the bins at Stop & Shop or Whole Foods (customer service desk). 

The NexTrex plastic film recycling program is currently running in six Fairfield elementary schools with the hope to expand to others.

Below is how much plastic has been collected thus far!

Dwight (100 lbs collected), Riverfield (99.5 lbs), Mill Hill (212 lbs), Stratfield (just started), Burr (73 lbs), Sherman (227 lbs)

If you are looking for additional opportunities to support your child's current talents and interests, or would like them to explore something new, visit our FPS Enrichment Opportunities page! This resource offers something for everyone from writing and art competitions to podcasting and coding challenges. If anything sparks your interest, click on the information links to learn more.

ECC Registration Is Open 

**NEW**Full Day Fours Option! 

The Early Childhood Center (ECC) will now offer a full day Pre-K program for 4-year-old children with locations at Warde, Stratfield and Holland Hill for the 2024-25 school year! Half day options are also available. ECC provides a friendly, caring, and stimulating preschool experience that meets the needs of all learners beginning at the age of three. To learn more about program offerings, hours, costs and details, visit the FPS website. Or, visit the ECC website.


RLMS and Woods Boys Basketball Teams played each other in a Championship game. Congrats to RLMS on the win. Both teams had an exciting season!

IRS Tax Credit & Free Tax Preparation for Qualifying Families

The IRS wants to encourage all families who qualify to claim the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit. The earned income tax credit is one of the federal government's largest antipoverty programs. Free tax preparation opportunities are also available for those who qualify. Please visit the FPS website for helpful links and additional information.

FPS Students Celebrate Career & Tech Ed Month

CTE Month

February is Career and Technical Education Month! Check out this Connecticut State Department of Education Video featuring Fairfield students (Fairfield is spotlighted beginning at the 2:43 mark). 

Ludlowe Basketball Coaches Achieve 100th Career Milestones


Congrats to two of our Ludlowe Basketball Coaches who achieved 100th career victories in January. Girls coach Sara Kinsley earned her 100th in a 51-38 win over Danbury on Jan. 12, and boys coach John Daley scored his 100th in a 49-29 win over Westhill on Jan. 19.

One Book One Town Author To Speak on March 5

OBOT Poster

FPS is pleased to partner with the Fairfield Public Library on the One Book One Town initiative. The selection for 2024 is Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley.  Boulley will speak at the Quick Center for the Arts at Fairfield University on Tuesday, March 5, at 7pm.  Registration for this event is open.


Follow FPS On Social Media!

Social Media Icons

We are proud of our students and staff for their many accomplishments! FPS is now on Instagram! Also, follow FPS on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook for good news, important announcements, BOE meeting information and more.