A Message From The Fairfield Health Department - Prevention Steps for Respiratory Illnesses
Cold and flu season is in full swing in CT and we have seen a rise in respiratory illnesses like the Flu, COVID-19, RSV, and other viruses. The Fairfield Health Department is urging all residents to take the following precautions to prevent the spread of these respiratory illnesses.
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact such as kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or upper shirtsleeve, not your hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick.
- Stay home when sick!
- Consider wearing a close-fitting mask around other people while respiratory symptoms are present.
- Stay up to date with you vaccinations such as flu and COVID. Many of the local pharmacies have both flu and COVID vaccine available.
The Fairfield Health Department has a limited supply of flu vaccine left by appointment only. If you would like to schedule an appointment for anyone over the age of 3 years for their flu shot, please call 203-256-3150. Please note appointments are scheduled from 8:30-3:30 Monday-Friday.
Father Returns From Military Service And Surprises His Children At Dwight
Tomlinson Students Celebrate Diwali
TMS Grade 6 students learned about the traditions of Diwali also known as the 'Festival of Lights' from one of Tomlinson's own families. Students were taught about the history of the festival, as well as cultural activities, clothing, and cuisine. Students were then able to participate by making their own celebratory lanterns.
Attendance Policy Reminder
On Tuesday, November 15, the Fairfield Board of Education approved an updated Attendance Policy for implementation. We encourage families to review the complete policy as there are changes that affect student attendance. For further information regarding excused and unexcused absence guidelines from the state click here.
Changes have been made regarding excused absences:
- For absences one through nine, an absence is considered excused when appropriate documentation and notification are provided by the student’s parent/guardian, due to any reasons that the student’s parent or guardian approves.
- Appropriate documentation must be provided to the school within ten school days of the student’s return to school.
- For the tenth absence and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school are considered excused, with notification within ten school days of the student’s return for the reasons outlined in pages (b) and (c) of the policy.
We would like to remind all families that chronic absence is defined as missing 10 percent or greater of the total number of days enrolled during the school year for any reason. It includes both excused, unexcused, out-of-school suspensions, and in-school suspensions that last more than one-half of the school day.
We appreciate your continued help in supporting student attendance.
FPS Green Team Launches Cafeteria Composting
Working in collaboration with the FPS Green Team, Riverfield and Holland Hill Elementary School students will soon be composting their food waste in the cafeteria! Fifth graders will be the first to try out the new system which will separate lunch waste into compost, recycling, and trash.
Stratfield Student Leadership Team Builds Community Through Collaborative Planting Project
To help build community the Stratfield School student leadership team put together a plan to help add beauty to school surroundings. Each Stratfield student planted a daffodil bulb in the fall. We can’t wait to see the beauty in the spring!
FPS Superintendent And BOE Members Meet With School Leaders Across The State At Annual Conference
FPS Superintendent Testani and BOE members attended the CABE/CAPSS Convention to learn about the latest educational initiatives, celebrate Connecticut's talented students and network with school leaders from throughout the State.
Jennings Students And Staff Boost Social Emotional Skills
Jennings staff and students participate in SEL activities every D day. The entire staff and student community work on social emotional learning by having discussions, playing games and following curriculum ideas from Second Step and Mind Up. This is all in an effort to build a toolbox of positive skills in order to navigate the challenges in front of them. This program has both whole group and small group instruction and has shown great success at the start of the year.
Thank You PTA Leaders!
PTA representatives from across the district were recognized at a recent BOE meeting for their dedication to FPS students and staff. Thank you PTA leaders for all that you do!
Crossing Guards Needed
FPS is actively searching for Crossing Guards. In addition, we are building a pool for those who may want to help as needed. These are paid positions. If you or someone you know is interested, please apply via Applitrack.
Winter Weather Is On The Way - Update Your Information In Infinite Campus
Wondering why you aren’t receiving important info from the district, newsletters, or delay and closure information? Log in to Infinite Campus to confirm and/or update your contact information. Click here for instructions.
High School Chamber Singers Open For Christmas Spectacular At Radio City Music Hall
Students from Fairfield Ludlowe High School, Fairfield Warde High School and Roger Ludlowe Middle School choir departments took field trips to Radio City Music Hall in December. FLHS and FWHS Chamber Singers visited on separate days and performed songs prior to the start of The Christmas Spectacular show.
Thank you to all who helped facilitate this wonderful opportunity including FWHS Choral Director Kevin Cotellese, Music Secretary Kathy Gabriel, RLMS Choral Director Sara Hoefer, Music Coordinator Robert Hughes, Principal of Pequot House Heather O'Brien and FLHS Choral Director Lauren Pine!
Warde Freshmen Participate In Anti-Defamation League Program: Names Can Really Hurt Us
Warde students had the opportunity to participate in the Anti-Defamation League’s Names Can Really Hurt Us assembly on November 22. The program was led by Educator and Trainer Teshia Levy-Grant, who has over 10 years of experience providing opportunities for diversity, equity, inclusion, student development, classroom instruction, program oversight, and grant management services. Throughout the day, freshmen heard student testimonials, shared some of their own stories and discussed ways to become a better ally.
Ludlowe High School Students Focus On Responsible Digital Citizenship
Ludlowe High School students participated in a digital citizenship activity earlier in the year. Highlights included device care, upkeep, and troubleshooting tips, as well as reminders to think before you share, be positive online, and build a positive digital footprint.
Grade 9 students also participated in a library breakout orientation activity where they learned about library services, practiced accessing resources, and organized their Google workflow. Each activity led to a clue that was needed to unlock the box and "break out" of the library.
Roger Ludlowe Middle School Student Shares Insight With Staff To Promote Positive School Climate
Seventh grade student McKenna shared optional student survey results with RLMS staff around LGBTQIA+ to create a better school climate for all. Your voice makes a difference McKenna!
Holland Hill Celebrates International Education Week With Music, Food, Performances And More!
Holland Hill celebrated International Education Week in November with special events in and out of school. Each morning, students shared international music selections and focused on different cultures. The week ended with a mariachi band performance, and International Night where each student received a passport to keep track of all the countries they visited. The evening featured 32 countries.
Decorated Army Veteran Shares His Story With Roger Sherman Elementary School Students
Roger Sherman Father and Army Veteran Mr. Plitsas shared his service experiences with students on Veterans Day. He also spoke to students about the different branches of the military, how they support us, and how we in turn can support them.
Osborn Hill Students Support Operation Hope
Osborn Hill Elementary School students held a non-perishable food drive in November. Students and staff collected over 5,000 items. Fifth graders helped pack up the seven car loads of items to bring to Operation Hope.