Welcome Superintendent Michael J. Testani
Pictured: FPS Leadership Team, BOE Chair Christine Vitale and Superintendent Testani
Click here for a message from Superintendent Michael J. Testani.
Weather Related Closing Procedures
Like it or not, winter is coming! Attached please find the procedures that the district will employ in the event of weather-related cancellations, delayed openings and early dismissals.
Password Expiration Reminder
Per a memo from the FPS IT Department sent in early October, employees are required to change their password every 90 days. The system will send warning messages ahead of a password expiration.
Here are instructions on how to change your password in ClassLink. If you are familiar with changing your password on your windows device, you can also change your password that way when in school or district offices.
Reminder: No School On November 11 Due To Veterans Day
Crossing Guards Needed
FPS is actively searching for crossing guards. In addition, we are building a pool for those who may want to help as needed. These are paid positions. Applications and further information can be found through Applitrack.
FPS Presents Amendment To Racial Imbalance Plan To State Board Of Education
FPS Superintendent Michael J. Testani, Former Interim Superintendent Dr. Stephen Tracy, BOE Chair Christine Vitale, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Digna A. Marte and Chief Academic Officer James Zavodjancik presented the amendment for Racial Balance to the Connecticut State Board of Education yesterday. The State Board of Education unanimously voted to accept the amendment and requested regular progress updates.
To view the recorded meeting click here. The meeting presentation is available on the website under the Redistricting and Facilities Utilization page.
Be In The Know - Update Your Contact Information In Infinite Campus
Wondering why you aren’t receiving important info from the district, newsletters, or delay and closure information? Log into Infinite Campus to confirm and/or update your emergency contact information. Be sure to check the boxes off in addition to entering your email and cell phone information. Click here for instructions. If you have any difficulty, please submit a Kaseya ticket.
Certification Expiration Status - Renewal Changes
As of August, the Bureau of Certification will no longer send letters to educators to remind them of their certificate’s expiration date.
Previously, certification reminder letters were sent to the educator’s home address listed in their CECS file approximately three months prior to the expiration date. Certified staff members should log into your CECS account to check certification status and update contact information at the beginning and middle of the school year.