Happy 100th Day Of School FPS!
Happy 100th day of school Fairfield! Please join us in marking this milestone of 100 days of learning. We are so proud of our students and their incredible accomplishments thus far, and look forward to the successes that the remainder of the year will bring. This morning, our students were excited to see their teachers and staff dressed as 100-year-olds and wearing 100th day outfits.
To help commemorate this special day, many of our students are participating in fun lessons and activities planned around the theme of 100 days. Click on the below photo montage to view today’s celebrations and student highlights from this year.
2023 Principal Of The Year Awards Deadline February 3
The deadline for nominations for the 2023 Principal of the Year Awards is February 3.
These awards honor high-performing principals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership, a passion for educational excellence, a commitment to quality teaching and learning and a dedication to the profession of school administration. One award is given at each level: elementary, middle school and high school.
If you would like to nominate a principal in your building, please complete the nomination form. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Packtor at CAS at 203-250-1111, x. 3910.
English Language Arts Curriculum Update
Per recent state legislation, each school district is now required to implement one of the state approved K-3 reading programs. The FPS program review team, PK-12 ELA steering committee, principals and coaches continue to narrow down the list of approved programs to identify the best option to support the development and implementation of new PK-12 curricula.
A program recommendation will presented to the BOE on March 14. Curriculum writing for the new units will begin in early spring. Once developed, new curricula will be shared with the BOE for approval in December 2023 for implementation in fall of 2024.
Weather Related Closing Procedures
Like it or not, winter is here! The Weather-Related Closing chart can be found through a link at the top of the calendar page on the FPS website.
Reminder: No School On February 17 and 20 due to February Break
Crossing Guards Needed
FPS is actively searching for crossing guards. In addition, we are building a pool of candidates for those who may want to help as needed. These are paid positions. Applications and further information can be found through Applitrack.
Summer Adventures Program Course Proposals Due February 10
This summer, FPS summer programming will include a revival of the Summer Adventures Program. This programming has not been in effect since 2019.
If you wish to propose a course to teach during summer adventures, please fill out this proposal form and send it to James Zavodjancik by February 10, 2022.
The summer school location is to be determined. Summer school dates are from July 5 through July 28, 2023.
If you have an engaging program you’d like to teach, please consider proposing a course.
A Message from Superintendent Michael J. Testani - Black History Month
Yesterday marked the beginning of Black History Month. FPS students, educators and community members honor and celebrate the achievements of generations of Black Americans not only this month, but throughout the year. It is important for our students and educators to continue to have meaningful conversations in the classroom surrounding race, while learning about the roles and accomplishments of Black Americans in our Nation's history.
FPS students across the district highlight Black History Month by discussing and learning about subjects such as landmark legal decisions, school integration and civil rights, historical figures, leaders, inventors and educators.
Please join me in honoring the generations of Black Americans who have positively influenced our community and country.
FPS Non-Resident Staff Member Tuition Opportunity For Children In Grades 6-12
We are pleased to extend the opportunity for children of staff members in Grades 6-12 to attend Fairfield Public Schools for a tuition fee, as per the Board’s decision last August. Please note that this is administered at the discretion of the Superintendent and is subject to availability.
You will need to submit an application annually, even if your child already has a current seat. Click here for information on how to apply for the upcoming school year if you are interested. Please be sure to be current on your school year 2022-23 payment. We ask that you return your application by February 15, 2023.
Help Us Spread The Word - FPS Is Hiring!
Be In The Know - Update Your Contact Information In Infinite Campus
Wondering why you aren’t receiving important info from the district, newsletters, or delay and closure information? Log into Infinite Campus to confirm and/or update your emergency contact information. Be sure to check the boxes off in addition to entering your email and cell phone information. Click here for instructions. If you have any difficulty, please submit a Kaseya ticket.
Certification Expiration Status - Renewal Changes
As of August, the Bureau of Certification will no longer send letters to educators to remind them of their certificate’s expiration date.
Previously, certification reminder letters were sent to the educator’s home address listed in their CECS file approximately three months prior to the expiration date. Certified staff members should log into your CECS account to check certification status and update contact information at the beginning and middle of the school year.