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The Fairfield Public Schools has a written, integrated K-12 curriculum that is relevant, rigorous, differentiated and aligned with the Connecticut Core Standards.

We believe measurable and achievable student goals must guide teaching and learning. Data are used for continuous improvement in teaching and learning. Various assessments are made throughout the year

There are two types of assessment. Formative assessments are used to measure a student’s progress in order to provide focused instruction to skills that need further support as well as to identify student strengths to determine the next learning targets.

Examples of formative assessments include the daily work teachers provide in class, running records, and homework. Other assessments we provide include the PSAT, NWEA and Acadience Reading.

Assessment Calendar

NWEA Assessments

Acadience K-3 Reading Assessments

Smarter Balanced ELA/Math Assessment





It is important to note that summative assessments, even when graded, can still be used in a formative manner. By examining what content and skills which challenged students teachers and students can make further adjustments to their instruction and learning.